
Sorry I haven’t posted in a very long while…things with “Charming” went downhill fast. Turns out he was Charming…just not sincere. Blargh. So I was dealing with the fallout from that. No fun.

I’m doing MUCH better now…I’ve moved on and I’m in a much better place. I’m happier now than I was with him. Weird, but true. I haven’t been cooking lately but that’s going to change this weekend. I’m going to take the stuffed breakfast biscuits and redesign them. I want the cheese to be gooey-er and more egg. So we’ll see how it goes. I will post the remodeled recipe on here as soon as I figure it out and bake them. *crossing fingers it goes well*

Life has been one heckuva rollercoaster. Lost my dear Auntie Anna in March suddenly…and it was a devastating loss for all of us. But on the upside, I was able to go up north and see my niece Chole’s very first dance recital (she’s six). It was so great. I smile just thinking about it. I’m so proud of her.

Well…that’s about it for me. Wish me luck with improving the recipe for the stuffed  breakfast biscuits!

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