Happy Independence Day USA

Declaration of Independence







On this July 4th, I want to thank our Founding Fathers for having the courage to proclaim our independence from Britain…men like Benjamin Tallmage who had no military background but went to fight for the Continental Army (later becoming a member of the US House of Representatives), organizing the Culper Spy Ring and rising through the ranks to become a Lieutenant Colonel…men like Abraham Woodhull who was a farmer in Setauket, NY but became a leader in the Culper Spy Ring, thus risking his life and the lives of his family…women like Anna Strong who helped the Continental Army by helping the Culper Spy Ring (risking her life and the life of her husband Selah who was imprisoned on the Jersey for being an activist for the cause)…and the men and women who have and continually stand up for our independence every day. 

“Independence forever.” – John Adams’ last public words as a toast for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence